Songs in Stone
An Arctic Journey Home

Sponsors and Supporters

Many thanks to our funders, sponsors, and supporters! We couldn't have done it without them! Please visit their websites to see what they do and what programs they offer.

CTV Television Inc

Canada/Nova Scotia Cooperation
Agreement of Economic Diversification
Canada Television and
Cable Production Fund
Canadian Television Fund
Fundy Communications
Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation
and its Film Industry Tax Credit

Telefilm Canada

Vision TV

Additional funding was provided by the Government of the North West Territories/RWED, the Massey Foundation, Sam and Esther Sarick, the Power Family Foundation and Robert Leestma.

Also special thanks to:

Ed McKenna, Terry Ryan, Ed McKenna, Patricia Feheley, Heather Houston, David Patrick, Alice Houston, Nicole d'Entremont, Hart Houston, Miriam Schiel Gallery, Donald, Jeannie & Betsy Eldon, Charles Anderson, Elizabeth Skinner, King's College Journalism, Michael Sinclair, Ed Higginson, Duncan McLean, and the people of Cape Dorset, Nunavut.

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